Even though descriptive text is not too difficult, but many students still found it difficult. The aims of the research are to know the ability of students in writing
UNIVERSITY STUDENTS’ ENGLISH WRITING PROBLEMS: … UNIVERSITY STUDENTS’ ENGLISH WRITING PROBLEMS: DIAGNOSIS AND REMEDY Dr. Ibrahim Mohamed Alfaki Nile Valley University Atbara, Sudan. ABSTRACT: The aim of this study is to identify university students’ writing problems in English language and to suggest ways of solving those problems. The study was conducted in the Teachers’ AN ANALYSIS OF STUDENT’S DIFFICULTIES IN WRITING ... This study aims to describe students‘ difficulties, factors that contributes to the students‘ difficulties in writing descriptive text especially in using simple present tense and teacher‘s perspective towards students‘ errors. This study was conducted in SMPN 1 Batulayar. It used Descriptive Qualitative Method. The population of this study was the 8th grade of SMPN 1 Batulayar in ANALYSIS OF STUDENT’S ABILITY IN WRITING NARRATIVE TEXT ... This study aims at observing the students’ ability in writing narrative text at the second year of MTs Nurul Jannah NW Ampenan in Academic Year 2015/2016. Of 40 … CHALLENGES STUDENTS FACE IN LEARNING ESSAY …
interview. From the data of descriptive text written by the students of class VIII SMP N 2 Kartasura, the writer can concludes the difficulties of the students in writing descriptive text and the solutions to the students’ problem in writing descriptive text. The difficulties of the students in writing descriptive text, they are as follows: 1) An Analysis of Eleventh Graders’ Difficulties in Writing ... This research is descriptive quantitative method. The subjects of the research are thirty students of grade eleven at MA Ni’matul Aziz, Jelapat, Barito Kuala who are detected as having constraint in writing mastery of descriptive text. This research is aimed to find out eleventh graders’ difficulties in writing mastery of descriptive text and the cause. AN ANALYSIS ON STUDENTS’ ABILITY AND DIFFICULTY IN … The research paper entitled “An Analysis on Students’ Ability and Difficulty in Writing Narrative Text” attempted to investigate what are the students’ ability and difficulties in writing narrative text as a “natural” text genre. This study is also focused on revealing what kinds of processes and circumstances that students use in their narrative seen from the transitivity system.
The students of Junior High School should retells something that already happened (Recount text). The objective of the study is to identify the students’ difficulties in writing recount text in inclusion classes. The study belongs to a mixed-method research involving 30 students of 8th grade inclusion class. A Case Study: Students’ Difficulties in Writing ... Writing is one of the way how people communicate in written form to deliver a message. Descriptive text became one topic for the first-year students in Indonesian education curriculum, kurikulum 2013 (K13). Students who find difficulties in writing descriptive text will automatically need some strategies to … Writing Supports and Accommodations for Students with … Writing Research Kathy Oehler (2013) "Most students with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) hate to write… Even a simple writing assignment can trigger a major meltdown. The process of writing requires much more than the ability to form pretty letters. The writing process involves skills in language, organization, motor control and planning, and Judul Skripsi Bahasa Inggris "Writing" the teachers strategies in overcoming students difficulties in writing descriptive text ; the effectiveness of clustering technique in improving students’ narrative writing skill. the effectiveness of using animated film in teaching writing narrative text (an experimental study in …
Common Writing Problems for Elementary | Time4Writing Common Problems in Elementary School Writing. Learning to write is uniquely challenging. Writing requires the mastery and concurrent use of a complex array of language skills, from vocabulary and spelling to the ability to organize and convey ideas. Error Analysis in the Descriptive Text Writing of ... This study focused on errors made by the eleventh grade students of State 10 Vocational High School Jakarta, in their written descriptive text. A total of 30 students were the subjects of this study and they were asked to write descriptive texts. THE READING COMPREHENSION IN DESCRIPTIVE TEXT OF … the reading comprehension in descriptive text of the seventh grade students of mts negeri gembong patitaught by using circ (cooperative integrated reading andcomposition) method in the academic year 2011/2012 by dwi puji astuti nim 200832094 department of english education faculty of teacher training and education university of muria kudus 2012 4. Developing Students' Descriptive Text Writing Skill ...
Writing Research Kathy Oehler (2013) "Most students with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) hate to write… Even a simple writing assignment can trigger a major meltdown. The process of writing requires much more than the ability to form pretty letters. The writing process involves skills in language, organization, motor control and planning, and
This study was conducted to investigate the teachers’ difficulties in teaching writing descriptive texts to the 10th grade students and their strategies to overcome the difficulties. The participants of the study were two English teachers at a senior high school in Pangkal Pinang. This was a descriptive case study using qualitative method as the approach.