• 2016 – for hepatitis B • Report pregnancy status, if available • Several labs are reporting to MDSS • Based on coding to indicate pregnancy/prenatal (reported to Perinatal section of MDSS) • 75 reported to MDSS via Perinatal section • 31 (41%) – Negative (HBsAg or DNA) or not pregnant
Current hepatitis B virus infection situation in Indonesia ... Aug 28, 2016 · The Lombok Hepatitis B Model Immunization Project (1987-1991) was the first universal infant hepatitis B immunization project[13,14] in Indonesia.This project aimed to integrate the HepB vaccine into the National Immunization Program, including a birth dose targeted as early as possible within the first week after birth. Hepatitis and Hispanic Americans - The Office of Minority ... Hepatitis and Hispanic Americans. Hispanics are 60 percent more likely to die from viral hepatitis than whites. Despite having lower rates of hepatitis C, Hispanics were 40 percent more likely to die from that disease, in 2015. Prevalence of Hepatitis B and Hepatitis D Virus Infections ...
Infographic: Hepatitis C in Youth (2018) (PDF) State Viral Hepatitis Data - Conference Posters and Presentations Patient costs, characteristics, and outcomes associated with hospitalizations related to Hepatitis B and Hepatitis C - California, 2002-2011 (CDPH Poster Presentation at CSTE Conference, 2013) (PDF) Hepatitis C Virus Testing and The Journey to Hepatitis Elimination in Nigeria ... Jan 15, 2020 · Nigeria, with an estimated population of 190 million people, has a Hepatitis B prevalence of 8.1% and Hepatitis C at 1.1%, based on a recent Nigeria HIV/AIDS Indicator and Impact Survey(NAIIS) report. The NAIIS survey was a National house-hold based Survey that assessed the prevalence of HIV and related health indicators including the national prevalence … HEPATITIS B AND C - New York City This report presents an overview of the New York City Health Department’s 2016 hepatitis B and C surveillance, research and programmatic activities. The following strategic goals guided the Health Department’s efforts to address hepatitis B and C in 2016. Goal 1: Use and Enhance Surveillance Data to Inform Policy and Interventions
Hepatitis and Hispanic Americans. Hispanics are 60 percent more likely to die from viral hepatitis than whites. Despite having lower rates of hepatitis C, Hispanics were 40 percent more likely to die from that disease, in 2015. Prevalence of Hepatitis B and Hepatitis D Virus Infections ... Jan 30, 2019 · Hepatitis delta virus (HDV) is a defective human RNA virus that requires the presence of hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg) for transmission and persistence [].Acute hepatitis D infection occurs following simultaneous acquisition of HDV and hepatitis B virus (HBV) or via HDV superinfection of HBsAg carriers. (PDF) Jordan viral hepatitis B & C 2016 - ResearchGate Hepatitis B, hepatitis C, and other blood borne infections in healthcare workers-a VHPB Symposium Report-Rome, Italy, March 17-18, 2005:Journal of viral hepatitis Vol. 14-1November 2005 Hepatitis Hepatitis B
HEPATITIS B VACCINE RECOGNITION Hepatitis B Vaccine Declination (I am already vaccinated) I understand that due to my occupational exposure to blood or other potentially infectious materials, I may be at risk of acquiring hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection. I have already been vaccinated against the … Update on Prevention, Diagnosis, and Treatment of Chronic ... Update on Prevention, Diagnosis, and Treatment of Chronic Hepatitis B: AASLD 2018 Hepatitis B Guidance Norah A. Terrault,1 Anna S.F. Lok,2 Brian J. McMahon,3 Kyong-Mi Chang,4 Jessica P. Hwang,5 Maureen M. Jonas,6 Robert S. Brown Jr.,7 Natalie H. Bzowej,8 and John B. Wong9 Purpose and Scope of the Pasadena County – Chronic Hepatitis B, 2012-2016
for both hepatitis B and hepatitis C by 2030 (1). To reach the mortality reduction goals for HBV elimination, a major scal-ing up of treatment will be needed. This report assesses global progress in access to hepatitis B treatment in 2016 (1). WHO described the sequential stages of hepatitis B …